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Stuff we'd like to do

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1Stuff we'd like to do Empty Stuff we'd like to do Wed May 01, 2013 11:50 pm

General Matton

General Matton

I thought it might be a good idea to have some ideas for what sorts of games/projects etc we want to do, and also those we're not so keen on. I don't want to suggest we have to start a mad scramble to do loads of new stuff, or that we abandon some things altogether, but if we're all interested in some specific new project then it's easier to go at it than if we're all going in different directions.

Also, this is likely to change a fair bit, which is fine. Very Happy

At the moment, I'm keen to do the following:

  • Flames of War Campaigns - especially the Lorraine Firestorm one
  • Modern Zombies! I'm quietly working on terrain for this at the moment, more stuff will follow. Like rules and stuff.
  • Black Powder. This might have to involve unpainted models though. I think actually playing some games is more likely to get me going with the painting for this one.
  • Have a go at Bolt Action
  • Empire of the Dead, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Gorkamorka (yes, really) - I'd like to do these as perpetual campaigns rather than the time-limited ones that we've generally done in clubs though.
  • Revive the VBCW campaign and open it up more.
  • More Impetus and Saga.

There's a lot there! So here's what I'm not so interested in:
  • Anything that means getting specific models that can't be used for anything else.
  • Very intensive campaigns.

Any other thoughts?

2Stuff we'd like to do Empty Re: Stuff we'd like to do Thu May 02, 2013 3:49 am



General Matton wrote:
  • Flames of War Campaigns - especially the Lorraine Firestorm one
  • Modern Zombies! I'm quietly working on terrain for this at the moment, more stuff will follow. Like rules and stuff.
  • Black Powder. This might have to involve unpainted models though. I think actually playing some games is more likely to get me going with the painting for this one.
  • Have a go at Bolt Action
  • Empire of the Dead, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Gorkamorka (yes, really) - I'd like to do these as perpetual campaigns rather than the time-limited ones that we've generally done in clubs though.
  • Revive the VBCW campaign and open it up more.
  • More Impetus and Saga.


  • Flames of War Campaigns - definitely up for this. Despite what I said the other day, unless we rope in a few more people the Lorraine Campaign is far more manageable than Tank Aces.

  • Zombies - I have some and I've also got the All Things Zombie rules which seem fairly fun. However, they're not high on my list of things to paint
  • Black Powder - I specifically want to do finally start on the War of 1812. I also have the Muskets and Tomahawks rules which will work for small scale skirmish actions.

  • Bolt Action - I'll be honest, I'm not overly keen on doing WW2 in a second scale, however, I'll happily give the game a trial run and see what I think.

  • Necromunda and Bloodbowl - can do them as perpetual campaigns, just not with Halflings! I've always liked the shorter format though, as it allows me to try new teams, I also think both games get wappy at higher levels.

  • Saga and Empire of the Dead - I have a warbands ready but am unlikely to add others.

  • VBCW - Need some motivation to paint up the two units I've got waiting. Perhaps another faction entering the fray might help...

  • Impetus - This is perhaps the new thing I could be tempted to do, I do have two 28mm ancient armies which could work for Impetus in a larger scale with sabot bases.

  • Superheroes - I'm still working on my Gotham project using Empire of the Dead as a ruleset. I'll be badgering folks to play at some point.

  • X-Wing - I have to beat Pete at some point.

Unsurprisingly, I'm with you on wanting to avoid the specialised model type games, and in terms of intensive campaigns, I take it you mean stuff that prevents you playing other games for long periods - kind of with you there, but I do like a flurry every now and again.

What I'm not keen on is feeling that I absolutely have to buy and paint a massive army - so if I don't already have something then these days I'm really unlikely to buy in (as I said 15mm Impetus is perhaps the exception to this).

3Stuff we'd like to do Empty Re: Stuff we'd like to do Thu May 02, 2013 7:26 am



Kieron, I'm not sure I'm prepared to play that many games of x-wing...

I agree with the specialised model thing unless its a really special game we all agree on. Like x-wing.

FOW - Yes to a campaign.

Bolt action - I know this is ww2 in another scale but I was hoping to use it as a replacement for 40k. Expect more postering and sad face.

Black powder - not sure I'm interested in this but would like to see a game that doesn't involve massive arguements first.

Saga - more of this and might add another warband when the crusades stuff comes out.

Empire of the dead - would like a go at this. Dont think you need to many models for a warband. Maybe we could get JP to show us how it works one night.

Necromunda - up for this, I have a few spyrers that need painting for my gang! Happy to carry on with bloodbowl as well.

Impetus - I do like the idea of doing this in 15mm.

VBCW - Yes.

Kings of war - think we all like this and would like to get some use out of the horde of dwarfs I have...

I'm with you on not wanting to paint a massive army again.

4Stuff we'd like to do Empty Re: Stuff we'd like to do Thu May 02, 2013 8:16 pm

General Matton

General Matton

Kieron wrote:
Necromunda and Bloodbowl - can do them as perpetual campaigns, just not with Halflings! I've always liked the shorter format though, as it allows me to try new teams, I also think both games get wappy at higher levels.

What I mean is more that I'd like it to be possible to just play games when you want, rather than a structured league format that leads to a single winner like we've just done for Blood Bowl (not that you can see the league table any more, grumble grumble). Within that I'd be happy for players to have multiple teams/gangs, retire existing ones, etc. Could have some cap on how powerful they're allowed to get.

Kieron wrote:
Impetus - This is perhaps the new thing I could be tempted to do, I do have two 28mm ancient armies which could work for Impetus in a larger scale with sabot bases.

I'd like to try it in 28mm, I'm going to have to look at army lists and work out what we could do. Could just use bits of card to make bases of the right size for some trial games.

Kieron wrote: terms of intensive campaigns, I take it you mean stuff that prevents you playing other games for long periods - kind of with you there, but I do like a flurry every now and again...

That is what I mean, also what we were saying about overly complicated campaign rules. If a campaign is going well then by all means let's stick with it (for example Duncan's WW2 campaign at GIMPS a few years back - I voluntarily played nothing else for the duration because it worked really well). If you have to do x games in a month or wait for someone else to play a game though, I don't fancy that. Does that make sense?

anomander2112 wrote:Black powder - not sure I'm interested in this but would like to see a game that doesn't involve massive arguements first.

It is a much simpler (and probably friendlier) game than General du Brigade that Andy and Kev were running. If Kieron and I can sort a game you should have a look. It lets you play Napoleonic without having to know much about the period, which is ideal for me as I am utterly clueless.

anomander2112 wrote:
Saga - more of this and might add another warband when the crusades stuff comes out.
That might also allow more 28mm Impetus with those models.

anomander2112 wrote:
Kings of war - think we all like this and would like to get some use out of the horde of dwarfs I have...

Good point. Warpath with 40k models is good too.

5Stuff we'd like to do Empty Re: Stuff we'd like to do Fri May 03, 2013 5:08 pm


Well, new forum, new times.

Interesting in what you are all wanting to do going forward.

For me its the following:

Kings of War - Like the game and have an army already done which I'll be expanding this year.
Warpath - My foray into sci-fi games. Game I'd like to play and am slowly painting a corporation force
Malifaux - fantastic game I'll be playing a lot of going forward. But as its card/miniature specific probably not for you guys, by the sounds of it.
X-wing - happy to play as have everything I need for this.
Flames of War - like the occasional game but not too bothered about a campaign
Bloodbowl - perpetual league - I'm in
Warhammer -Still really like the game, just not the company that keeps trying to rob me. So looking to play more the the new Rotherham club on Thursdays.
Wild West Exodus - a late year arrival. Being added to my list of projects from September onward. Again, maybe not for you guys as its another one where you need cards for each model.
Dead Man's Hand. A cowboy game I actually like. Low model count, simple rules system and I've almost got the town built. Fun game for a night. JP has the rules and I'll be picking them up probably around Tripples time.
Impetus - I've played at 28mm before but find you need a bigger table or all the tactical movement goes out the window. Still think I prefer this t 15mm


6Stuff we'd like to do Empty Re: Stuff we'd like to do Fri May 03, 2013 6:00 pm

General Matton

General Matton

Had a quick go at Dead Man's Hand, it seems like a nice and simple little game. Could even be something I buy into at some point.

Craig's got some very nice western terrain as well!

7Stuff we'd like to do Empty Re: Stuff we'd like to do Fri May 03, 2013 7:46 pm



I'm not against the card/miniature games if they're good! Will have a look at dead mans hand later on

8Stuff we'd like to do Empty Re: Stuff we'd like to do Sat May 04, 2013 3:00 am


Dead Man's hand not a card miniatures game in that sense. It only requires some cowboy models, or really models with various guns at a pinch. Malifaux, on the other hand does require a card for each model.

9Stuff we'd like to do Empty Re: Stuff we'd like to do Sat May 04, 2013 3:33 am



On the specialized models thing, for myself I have three obstacles to overcome:
1) I'm cheap and these games are difficult to proxy
2) I got burned by Confrontation; rules changes, revisions and the collapse of the game
3) my recent spending has been focussed on supers (including some very pricey models from Knight Models) and x-wing with the occasional top up of another army - they're eating my budget rather too voraciously for the expense of new games

However, I'm always happy to try stuff to see if I like it. Also would really like a game of Dead Mans Hand as I read about it and it sounds like an interesting mechanic.

Oh and hi Craig! Smile

10Stuff we'd like to do Empty Re: Stuff we'd like to do Sat May 04, 2013 8:40 am



Like the look of dead mans hand and £44 for the rulebook, cards, markers and a boxed gang is pretty good really. GW charge more than that for 1 book! Best not start that rant again...

Who else plays this Craig and what factions do people have?

11Stuff we'd like to do Empty Re: Stuff we'd like to do Sun May 05, 2013 5:48 am


JP is the only one with the rule book at the mo but quite a few of us have cowboy models. The book lists four factions, as far as I'm aware, cowboys, lawmen, despearados and Mexicans, if I remember rightly. You only need half a dozen models at most.

I'm probably going to get the rules at Tripples.

12Stuff we'd like to do Empty Re: Stuff we'd like to do Sun May 05, 2013 9:15 am

The Old Buzzard

Hi folks! Once I come back from holiday I might be able to get to see you guys.

I have all the usual toys. More FoW troops than is reasonable and too many out of date Warhammer armies that I don't use.
Saga will be interesting when the Almoravids get a list. At the minute I am using Dan's Vikings.
BBowl will be interesting. You will like someone else to beat!!
I have lots of gardening to do this time of year too. Better get back to that now. Well in the morning.

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